Editor in Chief:

Prof. Dr. Said I. Shalaby , MD, Ph.D.
-Professor of Tropical Medicine & Infectious Hepato-Gastroenterology, Institute of Medical Research & Clinical Trials and Medical Center of Excellence ,National Research Centre(NRC), Egypt
-Former Deputy President of Academy of Scientific Research &Technology, Cairo, Egypt
-Former Chairman of Complementary Medicine Department, NRC, Egypt
-Former Editor -in -Chief of Bulletin NRC Springer Open
-WHO/FAO expert of Food born Parasites
-Convener of ARSO/ TC 03, Fish, fisheries and aquaculture WG 2: Sampling, laboratory analysis, testing, inspection and market compliance
-Overseas Advisor of the Academic Council of International Consortium of Contemporary Biologists, India
-Head of National Committee of Egyptian Standards for Medical Instruments as well as Head of National Committee for Fish &Fishery Products
-Head of Safety & Occupational Health Committee , NRC


Dr. Mohammed Gulam Ahamad, PhD
Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering,
College of Computer Engineering & Sciences
Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University
Alkharj, Saudi Arabia
[email protected] , [email protected]

Mohammad Reza Kazemi,PhD
Professor, Dept. of Mathematical Statistics,
College of Mathematical Sciences
Fasa University,Fasa, Iran

Prof. A Dash,PhD
Professor,Department of Engineering & Management
Member of IEEE & British Science Association
Institute of Technology and Research,India
[email protected]
[email protected]

Seetha P. B. Ranathunga,PhD
Department of Economics,
Professor of Social Sciences University of Kelaniya,
Kelaniya, 11600, Sri Lanka
[email protected]

Associate Editor:

Milad Bahamirian, PhD
Professor, University of Applied Science and Technology
[email protected]

Morteza Jafarpour,PhD
Professor,Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan
[email protected]

Dr. S.Sureshkumar,Ph.D.
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Siddaganaga Institute of
Technology, Tumkur-572 103, Karanataka.
Country: India
[email protected]

Member of Advisory Board:

Dancan N. Irungu, PhD
Senior Professor,School of Business & Economics
Daystar University,Kenya
[email protected]

Sallahuddin Hassan, PhD
Prof. School of Economics,
Finance and Banking UUM College of Business
Universiti Utara Malaysia
[email protected]

Dr.G.Anandhi, PhD
Associate Professor
University of the People, California
[email protected]

Arash Khakzadshahandashti,PhD
Research and development expert at MAPNA group
[email protected]

Dr. G.N.K. Suresh Babu, PhD
Professor,Computer Science
Acharya Institute of Technology,Bangalore – 560 090
[email protected]

Ebele Mary Onwuka PhD
Senior Lecturer,Department of Business Administration,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka,
Anambra State, Nigeria
[email protected]

Siamak Hoseinzadeh,Ph.D
Professor,Mechanical Technical adviser for Incineration Plant,
Municipality of Sari, Mazandaran, Iran,
[email protected]

Reza Fotohi,PhD
Member of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
[email protected]

Geetanjali Kale,PhD
Assistant Professor,
Computer Engineering,
Pune Institute of Computer Technology,
[email protected]

Abdullah Cakan,
MS Mechanical Engineer
Selcuk University
Mechanical Engineering Department.
Konya, Turkey
[email protected]

Giosuè Boscato,Ph.D.
IUAV University of Venice
Laboratory of Strength of Materials (LabSCo)
Via Torino 153/A – 30173 Mestre, Venice, Italy
[email protected]

Abhineet Anand, PhD
Professor,School of Computer Science Engineering, Galgotias University,
Greater Noida, G B Nagar, UP
[email protected];

Dr Gnaneswara Rao Nitta, PhD
Professor of CSE Vignan’s Foundations for Science,Technology
and Research University, Vadlamudi,Guntur,AP.
[email protected]

Ranjit Shrestha, PhD
Professor,Division of Mechanical Engineering,
Kongju National University,
Cheonan 331-717, Korea
[email protected]

Dr Farhad Shafiepour Motlagh
Professor ,Mahallat Branch,Islamic Azad University,
[email protected]

Prof (Dr). Prasanna B M R, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Siddaganga Institute of Technology,
B. H. Road, Tumkur-572 103, Karnataka ,India
[email protected]

Gad-Elkareem Abdrabou Mohamed,PhD
Ass.Prof. at National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Earthquakes department.
Helwan- Cairo – Egypt.
[email protected]